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-- combined exploit fix module -- this module replaces wsfix.lua usinfocheck.lua guidcheck.lua and fakeplimit.lua -- I am no longer distributing the above as individual modules -- author: -- confugration: -- add combinedfixes.lua to lua_modules, or merge into your existing module -- version: 3 -- history: -- 3 - crlf abuse -- 2 - string.find not string.match -- 1 - first standalone -- see individual sections for older stuff -- require("rllib/vstrict").init() -- AutoDeclare() -- client command checks, formerly wsfix -- prevent ws overrun exploit, crlf abuse -- history: -- 2 - bugfix -- TY McSteve for reporting this to us. function et_ClientCommand(cno,cmd) cmd = string.lower(cmd) if cmd == "ws" then local n = tonumber(et.trap_Argv(1)) if not n then et.G_LogPrint(string.format("wsfix: client %d bad ws not a number [%s]\n",cno,tostring(et.trap_Argv(1)))) return 1 end if n < 0 or n > 21 then et.G_LogPrint(string.format("wsfix: client %d bad ws %d\n",cno,n)) return 1 end return 0 end if cmd == "callvote" or cmd == "ref" or cmd == "sa" or cmd == "semiadmin" then local args=et.ConcatArgs(1) -- et.G_LogPrint(string.format("combinedfixes: client %d %s [%s]\n",cno,cmd,args)) if string.find(args,"[\r\n]") then et.G_LogPrint(string.format("combinedfixes: client %d bad %s [%s]\n",cno,cmd,args)) return 1; end return 0 end return 0 end -- prevent various borkage by invalid userinfo -- version: 4 -- history: -- 4 - check length and IP -- 3 - check for name exploit against guidcheck -- 2 - fix nil var ref if kicked in RunFrame -- fix incorrect clientNum in log message for ClientConnect kick -- 1 - initial release -- names that can be used to exploit some log parsers -- note: only console log parsers or print hooks should be affected, -- game log parsers don't see these at the start of a line -- "^etpro IAC" check is required for guid checking -- comment/uncomment others as desired, or add your own -- NOTE: these are patterns for string.find badnames = { -- '^ShutdownGame', -- '^ClientBegin', -- '^ClientDisconnect', -- '^ExitLevel', -- '^Timelimit', -- '^EndRound', '^etpro IAC', -- '^etpro privmsg', -- "say" is relatively likely to have false positives -- but can potentially be used to exploit things that use etadmin_mod style !commands -- '^say', -- '^Callvote', -- '^broadcast' } -- returns nil if ok, or reason function check_userinfo( cno ) local userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo(cno) -- printf("check_userinfo: [%s]\n",userinfo) -- bad things can happen if it's full if string.len(userinfo) > 980 then return "oversized" end -- newlines can confuse various log parsers, and should never be there -- note this DOES NOT protect your log parsers, as the userinfo may -- already have been sent to the log if string.find(userinfo,"\n") then return "new line" end -- the game never seems to make userinfos without a leading backslash, -- or with a trailing backslash, so reject those from the start if (string.sub(userinfo,1,1) ~= "\\" ) then return "missing leading slash" end -- shouldn't really be possible, since the engine stuffs ip\ip:port on the end if (string.sub(userinfo,-1,1) == "\\" ) then return "trailing slash" end -- now that we know it is properly formed, count the slashes local n = 0 for _ in string.gfind(userinfo,"\\") do n = n + 1 end if math.mod(n,2) == 1 then return "unbalanced" end local m local t = {} -- right number of slashes, check for dupe keys for m in string.gfind(userinfo,"\\([^\\]*)\\") do if string.len(m) == 0 then return "empty key" end m = string.lower(m) if t[m] then return "duplicate key" end t[m] = true end -- they might hose the userinfo in some way that prevents the ip from being -- obtained. If so -> dump local ip = et.Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" ) if ip == "" then return "missing ip" end -- printf("checkuserinfo: ip [%s]\n", ip) -- make sure whatever is there is roughly valid while we are at it -- "localhost" may be present on a listen server. This module is not intended for listen servers. -- string.match 5.1.x -- string.find 5.0.x if string.find(ip,"^%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+:%d+$") == nil then return "malformed ip" end -- check for this to prevent exploitation of guidcheck -- note the proper solution would be for chats to always have a prefix in the console. -- Why the fuck does the server console need both -- say: [NW]reyalP: blah -- [NW]reyalP: blah local name = et.Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "name" ) if name == "" then return "missing name" end -- printf("checkuserinfo %d name %s\n",cno,name) for _, badnamepat in ipairs(badnames) do local mstart,mend,cno = string.find(name,badnamepat) if mstart then return "name abuse" end end -- return nil end -- 3.2.6 and earlier doesn't actually call et_ClientUserinfoChanged -- every time the userinfo changes, -- so we use et_RunFrame to check every so often -- comment this out or adjust to taste infocheck_lasttime=0 infocheck_client=0 -- check a client every 5 sec infocheck_freq=5000 function et_RunFrame( leveltime ) if ( infocheck_lasttime + infocheck_freq > leveltime ) then return end -- printf("infocheck %d %d\n", infocheck_client, leveltime) infocheck_lasttime = leveltime if ( et.gentity_get( infocheck_client, "inuse" ) ) then local reason = check_userinfo( infocheck_client ) if ( reason ) then et.G_LogPrint(string.format("userinfocheck frame: client %d bad userinfo %s\n",infocheck_client,reason)) et.trap_SetUserinfo( infocheck_client, "name\\badinfo" ) et.trap_DropClient( infocheck_client, "bad userinfo", 0 ) end end infocheck_client = infocheck_client + 1 if ( infocheck_client >= tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients")) ) then infocheck_client = 0 end end function et_ClientUserinfoChanged( cno ) -- printf("clientuserinfochanged %d\n",cno) local reason = check_userinfo( cno ) if ( reason ) then et.G_LogPrint(string.format("userinfocheck infochanged: client %d bad userinfo %s\n",cno,reason)) et.trap_SetUserinfo( cno, "name\\badinfo" ) et.trap_DropClient( cno, "bad userinfo", 0 ) end end -- prevent etpro guid borkage -- version: 1 -- TY pants -- default to kick with no temp ban for now DEF_GUIDCHECK_BANTIME = 0 function bad_guid(cno,reason) local bantime = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get( "guidcheck_bantime" )) if not bantime or bantime < 0 then bantime = DEF_GUIDCHECK_BANTIME end et.G_LogPrint(string.format("guidcheck: client %d bad GUID %s\n",cno,reason)) -- we don't send them the reason. They can figure it out for themselves. et.trap_DropClient(cno,"You are banned from this server",bantime) end function check_guid_line(text) --find a GUID line local guid,netname local mstart,mend,cno = string.find(text,"^etpro IAC: (%d+) GUID %[") if not mstart then return end text=string.sub(text,mend+1) --GUID] [NETNAME]\n mstart,mend,guid = string.find(text,"^([^%]]*)%] %[") if not mstart then bad_guid(cno,"couldn't parse guid") return end --NETNAME]\n text=string.sub(text,mend+1) netname = et.gentity_get(cno,"pers.netname") mstart,mend = string.find(text,netname,1,true) if not mstart or mstart ~= 1 then bad_guid(cno,"couldn't parse name") return end text=string.sub(text,mend+1) if text ~= "]\n" then bad_guid(cno,"trailing garbage") return end -- printf("guidcheck: etpro GUID %d %s %s\n",cno,guid,netname) -- {N} is too complicated! mstart,mend = string.find(guid,"^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$") if not mstart then bad_guid(cno,"malformed") return end -- printf("guidcheck: OK\n") end function et_Print(text) check_guid_line(text) end -- limit fakeplayers DOS -- -- used if cvar is not set -- confugration: -- set ip_max_clients cvar as desired. If not set, defaults to the value below. --FAKEPLIMIT_VERSION = "1.0" DEF_IP_MAX_CLIENTS = 3 et.G_Printf = function(...) et.G_Print(string.format(unpack(arg))) end function IPForClient(clientNum) -- TODO listen servers may be 'localhost' local userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum ) if userinfo == "" then return "" end local ip = et.Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" ) -- find IP and strip port local ipstart, ipend, ipmatch = string.find(ip,"(%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+)") -- don't error out if we don't match an ip if not ipstart then return "" end -- et.G_Printf("IPForClient(%d) = [%s]\n",clientNum,ipmatch) return ipmatch end function et_ClientConnect( clientNum, firstTime, isBot ) -- userinfocheck stuff. Do this before IP limit -- printf("connect %d\n",cno) local reason = check_userinfo( clientNum ) if ( reason ) then et.G_LogPrint(string.format("userinfocheck connect: client %d bad userinfo %s\n",clientNum,reason)) return "bad userinfo" end -- note IP validity should be enforced by userinfocheck stuff local ip = IPForClient( clientNum ) local count = 1 -- we count as the first one local max = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get( "ip_max_clients" )) if not max or max <= 0 then max = DEF_IP_MAX_CLIENTS end -- et.G_Printf("firstTime %d\n",firstTime); -- it's probably safe to only do this on firsttime, but checking -- every time doesn't hurt much -- validate userinfo to filter out the people blindly using luigi's code local userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum ) -- et.G_Printf("userinfo: [%s]\n",userinfo) if et.Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "rate" ) == "" then et.G_Printf("fakeplimit.lua: invalid userinfo from %s\n",ip) return "invalid connection" end for i = 0, et.trap_Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients") - 1 do -- pers.connected is set correctly for fake players -- can't rely on userinfo being empty if i ~= clientNum and et.gentity_get(i,"pers.connected") > 0 and ip == IPForClient(i) then count = count + 1 if count > max then et.G_Printf("fakeplimit.lua: too many connections from %s\n",ip) -- TODO should we drop / ban all connections from this IP ? return string.format("only %d connections per IP are allowed on this server",max) end end end end -- NoAutoDeclare()
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