Your Filebase for Games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein , Enemy Territory and more ...
version = "1.0.2" -- kspree.lua logic "stolen" from Vetinari's rspree.lua, who "stole" from and so on -- CONSOLE COMMANDS : ksprees, kspeesall, kspreerecords -- added: new readRecords() function -- added: First Blood + Last Blood -- added: Greatshot option, display last killers name v56 -- added: Sorry option, display last TKed's name v45 -- FIXME: recordMessage() does not work everytime -- FIXED !!! -- FIXME: use wait_table[id] ~= nil --FIXED mmmhhh :/ ??? -- -- If you run etadmin_mod, change the following lines in "etadmin.cfg" -- spree_detector = 0 -- longest_spree_display = 0 -- persistent_spree_record = 0 -- persistent_map_spree_record = 0 -- first_blood = 0 -- multikill_detector = 0 -- monsterkill_detector = 0 -- last_blood = 0 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------CONFIG START------------------------------------------ kspree_pos = "b 8" kspree_color = "8" kspree_cfg = "killingspree.txt" record_cfg = "kspree-records.txt" date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S" kmultitk_announce = true -- announce multi TK kmulti_announce = true -- announce multi/mega/ultra....kill kmulti_sound = true -- multi-sounds kspree_sound = true -- spree-sounds kmulti_pos = "b 8" -- multi + megakill - position kmonster_pos = "b 32" -- ultra + monster + ludicrous + holy shit - position kmultitk_pos = "b 32" -- multi TK - position kmulti_msg = "^7!!!! ^1Multi kill ^7> ^7%s ^7< ^1Multi kill^7 !!!!" kmega_msg = "^7!!!! ^1Mega kill ^7> ^7%s ^7< ^1Mega kill^7 !!!!" kultra_msg = "^7!!! ^1ULTRA KILL ^7> ^7%s ^7< ^1ULTRA KILL^7 !!!" kmonster_msg = "^7!!! ^1MONSTER KILL ^7>>> ^7%s ^7<<< ^1MONSTER KILL^7 !!!" kludicrous_msg = "^7OMG,^1LUDICROUS KILL ^7>>> ^7%s ^7<<< ^1LUDICROUS KILL^7" kholyshit_msg = "^1H O L Y S H I T ^7>>> ^7%s ^7<<< ^1H O L Y S H I T^7" kmultitk_msg = "^7!!! ^1Multi Teamkill ^7> ^7%s ^7< ^1Multi Teamkill^7 !!!" firstbloodsound = "sound/misc/firstblood.wav" multisound = "sound/misc/multikill.wav" megasound = "sound/misc/megakill.wav" ultrasound = "sound/misc/ultrakill.wav" monstersound = "sound/misc/monsterkill.wav" ludicroussound = "sound/misc/ludicrouskill.wav" holyshitsound = "sound/misc/holyshit.wav" multitksound = "sound/misc/cry.wav" killingspreesound = "sound/misc/killingspree.wav" rampagesound = "sound/misc/rampage.wav" dominatingsound = "sound/misc/dominating.wav" godlikesound = "sound/misc/godlike.wav" unstoppablesound = "sound/misc/unstoppable.wav" wickedsicksound = "sound/misc/wickedsick.wav" pottersound = "sound/misc/potter.wav" killingspree_private = false -- send killingspree message + sound to client only, if set to true -- (You are on a killing spree), all other messages are global messages, like rampage and so on kspree_cmd_enabled = true -- set to false to ignore the "kspree_cmd" kspree_cmd = "!spree_record" record_cmd = "!ksprees" -- command to print players with most multi,mega,ultra... kills stats_cmd = "!stats" -- same as etadmin_mod's "!stats", prints personal killing records (i.e. multi,mega,ultra... kills) statsme_cmd = "!statsme" -- shows ur personal killing stats (private) srv_record = true -- set to true, if u want to save killing stats record_last_nick = false -- set to true to keep the last known nick a guid has records_expire = 60*60*24*5 -- in seconds! 60*60*24*5 == 5 days allow_spree_sk = false -- allow new killing spree record, even if he killed himself great_shot = true -- name of ur killer will be added if u vsay "GreatShot" within "great_shot_time" ms great_shot_time = 5000 -- 5000 = 5 seconds = Five SECONDS great_shot_repeat = false -- set to true, name will be added everytime u vsay Greatshot within "great_shot_time" ms sorry = true -- name of ur last tk will be added if u vsay_team "Sorry" within "sorry_time" ms sorry_time = 9000 -- 9000 = 9 seconds = Nine SECONDS sorry_repeat = false -- set to true, name will be added everytime u vsay_team "sorry" within "sorry_time" ms save_awards = true -- save Ludicrouskill + Holy Shit + Multi TK in textfile "awards_file" awards_file = "awards.txt" K_Sprees = { -- adjust them to ur needs [5] = "is on a killing spree", [10] = "is on a rampage!", [15] = "is dominating!", [20] = "is unstoppable!!", [25] = "is godlike!!!", [30] = "is wicked sick!!!!", [35] = "is real POTTER!!!!!", } -------------------------------CONFIG END ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- et.MAX_WEAPONS = 50 EV_GLOBAL_CLIENT_SOUND = 54 killing_sprees = {} kmax_spree = 0 kmax_id = nil alltime_stats = {} kmulti = {} kmultitk = {} wait_table = {} kmap_record = false srv_records = {} kendofmap = false keomap_done = false gamestate = -1 first_blood = true last_blood = "" last_killer = {} last_tk = {} kteams = { [0]="Spectator", [1]="Axis", [2]="Allies", [3]="Unknown", } function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) local func_start = et.trap_Milliseconds() et.RegisterModname("kspree.lua "..version.." " sv_maxclients = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients")) local i = 0 for i=0, sv_maxclients-1 do killing_sprees[i] = 0 kmulti[i] = { [1]=0, [2]=0, } if kmultitk_announce then kmultitk[i] = { [1]=0, [2]=0, } end end i = readStats(kspree_cfg) et.G_Printf("kspree.lua: loaded %d alltime stats from %s\n", i, kspree_cfg) if srv_record then i = readRecords(record_cfg) et.G_Printf("kspree.lua: loaded %d alltime records from %s\n", i, record_cfg) end et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW,"sets KSpree_version "..version) et.G_Printf("bennz's kspree.lua version "..version.." activated...\n") et.G_Printf("kspree.lua: startup: %d ms\n", et.trap_Milliseconds() - func_start) end function sayClients(pos, msg) et.G_Printf("kspree.lua: sayClients('%s', '%s')\n", pos, msg) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, pos.." \""..msg.."^7\"\n") end -- printf wrapper for debugging function et.G_Printf(...) et.G_Print(string.format(unpack(arg))) end function et.G_ClientSound(clientnum, soundfile) local tempentity = et.G_TempEntity(et.gentity_get(clientnum, "r.currentOrigin"), EV_GLOBAL_CLIENT_SOUND) et.gentity_set(tempentity, "s.teamNum", clientnum) et.gentity_set(tempentity, "s.eventParm", et.G_SoundIndex(soundfile)) end function mapName () return(string.lower(et.trap_Cvar_Get("mapname"))) end function teamName (t) if t < 0 or t > 3 then t = 3 end return(kteams[t]) end function getGuid (id) return(string.lower(et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(id), "cl_guid"))) end function playerName(id) return(et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(id), "name")) end function findMaxKSpree() local max = alltime_stats[mapName()] if max == nil then max = {} end return(max) end function saveStats(file, list) local fd, len = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile(file, et.FS_WRITE) if len == -1 then et.G_Printf("kspree.lua: failed to open %s", file) return(0) end local head = string.format("# %s, written %s\n", file, et.trap_FS_Write(head, string.len(head), fd) table.foreach(list, function (first, arr) local line = first .. ";".. table.concat(arr, ";").."\n" et.trap_FS_Write(line, string.len(line), fd) end ) et.trap_FS_FCloseFile(fd) end function readStats(file) local fd,len = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile( file, et.FS_READ ) local count = 0 if len <= 0 then et.G_Printf("kspree.lua: no killingspree.txt\n") else local filestr = et.trap_FS_Read( fd, len ) et.trap_FS_FCloseFile( fd ) for map,frags,zwiebel,naim in string.gfind(filestr,"[^%#]([%_%w]*)%;(%d*)%;(%d*)%;([^%\n]*)") do alltime_stats[map] = { tonumber(frags), tonumber(zwiebel), naim } count = count + 1 end end return(count) end function readRecords(file) local func_start = et.trap_Milliseconds() local fd,len = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile( file, et.FS_READ ) local count = 0 if len == -1 then et.G_Printf("kspree.lua: no Spree Records \n") et.G_Printf("rspree.lua: readRecords(): %d ms\n", et.trap_Milliseconds() - func_start) end local guid,multi,mega,ultra,monster,ludic,kills,name,first,last local now = tonumber("%s")) local exp_diff = now - records_expire local filestr = et.trap_FS_Read( fd, len ) et.trap_FS_FCloseFile( fd ) for guid,multi,mega,ultra,monster,ludic,kills,name,first,last in string.gfind(filestr, "[^%#](%x+)%;(%d*)%;(%d*)%;(%d*)%;(%d*)%;(%d*)%;(%d*)%;([^;]*)%;(%d*)%;([^%\n]*)") do local seen = tonumber(last) if (records_expire == 0) or (exp_diff < seen) then srv_records[guid] = { tonumber(multi), tonumber(mega), tonumber(ultra), tonumber(monster), tonumber(ludic), tonumber(kills), name, tonumber(first), seen } count = count + 1 end end et.G_Printf("kspree.lua: readRecords(): %d ms\n", et.trap_Milliseconds() - func_start) return(count) end function et_Print(text) if kendofmap and string.find(text, "^WeaponStats: ") == 1 then if not keomap_done then if kmax_id ~= nil then local re_name = playerName(kmax_id) if re_name == "" then re_name = "^0MIA" -- missing in action end local longest = "" local max = findMaxKSpree() if table.getn(max) == 3 then if kmap_record then longest = " ^"..kspree_color.."This is a New map record!" saveStats(kspree_cfg, alltime_stats) else longest = string.format(" ^7[record: %d by %s^7 @%s]", max[1], max[3],, max[2])) end end local msg = string.format("^7Longest killing spree: %s^7 with %d kills!%s", re_name, kmax_spree, longest) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \""..msg.."^7\"\n") end if srv_record then saveStats(record_cfg, srv_records) end keomap_done = true end return(nil) end if text == "Exit: Timelimit hit.\n" or text == "Exit: Wolf EndRound.\n" then kendofmap = true for i = 0, sv_maxclients-1 do if killing_sprees[i] > 0 then checkKSpreeEnd(i, 1022, true) end end if last_blood ~= "" then msg = string.format("^7And the final kill of this round goes to: %s ^7!", last_blood ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \""..msg.."^7\"\n") end return(nil) end end function checkMultiKill (id) local lvltime = et.trap_Milliseconds() local guid = getGuid(id) if (lvltime - kmulti[id][1]) < 3000 then kmulti[id][2] = kmulti[id][2] + 1 if kmulti[id][2] == 3 then wait_table[id] = {lvltime, 1} elseif kmulti[id][2] == 4 then wait_table[id] = {lvltime, 2} elseif kmulti[id][2] == 5 then wait_table[id] = {lvltime, 3} elseif kmulti[id][2] == 6 then wait_table[id] = {lvltime, 4} elseif kmulti[id][2] == 7 then wait_table[id] = {lvltime, 5} if save_awards then add_qwnage(id, 1) end elseif kmulti[id][2] == 8 then wait_table[id] = {lvltime, 6} if save_awards then add_qwnage(id, 2) end end else kmulti[id][2] = 1 end kmulti[id][1] = lvltime end function checkMultiTk(id) local lvltime = et.trap_Milliseconds() if (lvltime - kmultitk[id][1]) < 3000 then kmultitk[id][2] = kmultitk[id][2] + 1 if kmultitk[id][2] == 3 then sayClients(kmultitk_pos, string.format(kmultitk_msg, playerName(id))) et.G_globalSound(multitksound) if save_awards then add_qwnage(id, 3) end end else kmultitk[id][2] = 1 end kmultitk[id][1] = lvltime end function et_Obituary(victim, killer, mod) if gamestate == 0 then local v_teamid = et.gentity_get(victim, "sess.sessionTeam") local k_teamid = et.gentity_get(killer, "sess.sessionTeam") local weapon = et.gentity_get(victim, "s.weapon") if (victim == killer) then -- suicide if mod == 37 then if not allow_spree_sk then local max = findMaxKSpree() if table.getn(max) == 3 then if killing_sprees[victim] > max[1] then sayClients(kspree_pos, string.format("^%sWhat a pity! ^7%s^%s killed himself. This would have been a new ^qspree record ^%s!", kspree_color, playerName(victim), kspree_color, kspree_color)) end end else checkKSpreeEnd(victim, killer, false) end end killing_sprees[victim] = 0 elseif (v_teamid == k_teamid) then -- team kill if kmultitk_announce then checkMultiTk(killer) end if sorry then last_tk[killer] = {playerName(victim) , et.trap_Milliseconds()} end checkKSpreeEnd(victim, killer, false) killing_sprees[victim] = 0 else -- nomal kill if killer ~= 1022 and killer ~= 1023 then -- no world / unknown kills killing_sprees[killer] = killing_sprees[killer] + 1 local guid = getGuid(killer) if srv_record and guid ~= "" then -- guid;multi;mega;ultra;monster;ludicrous;revive;nick;firstseen;lastseen if type(srv_records[guid]) ~= "table" then srv_records[guid] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, playerName(killer), tonumber("%s")), 0 } elseif table.getn(srv_records[guid]) ~= 9 then srv_records[guid] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, playerName(killer), tonumber("%s")), 0 } end srv_records[guid][6] = srv_records[guid][6] + 1 srv_records[guid][9] = tonumber("%s")) if record_last_nick or (srv_records[guid][7] == nil) then srv_records[guid][7] = playerName(killer) end end if killing_sprees[killer] > kmax_spree then kmax_spree = killing_sprees[killer] kmax_id = killer end if great_shot then last_killer[victim] = { playerName(killer), et.trap_Milliseconds() } end if first_blood then sayClients(kmonster_pos, string.format("%s ^1drew first BLOOD ^7!", playerName(killer) )) et.G_globalSound(firstbloodsound) first_blood = false end if kmulti_announce then checkMultiKill(killer) end last_blood = playerName(killer) checkKSprees(killer) checkKSpreeEnd(victim, killer, true) else checkKSpreeEnd(victim, killer, false) end killing_sprees[victim] = 0 end end -- gamestate end function checkKSpreeEnd(id, killer, normal_kill) if killing_sprees[id] > 0 then local m_name = playerName(id) if m_name == "" then m_name = "^0MIA" -- missing in action end local k_name = "" if killer == 1022 then k_name = "End of Round" elseif killer == 1023 then k_name = "unknown reasons" else k_name = playerName(killer) end local krecord = false local msg = "" if kmax_id == id and killing_sprees[id] == kmax_spree then local max = findMaxKSpree() if table.getn(max) == 3 and kmax_spree > max[1] then alltime_stats[mapName()] = { kmax_spree,"%s"), m_name } kmap_record = true krecord = true elseif table.getn(max) == 0 then alltime_stats[mapName()] = { kmax_spree,"%s"), m_name } kmap_record = true krecord = true end end if killing_sprees[id] >= 5 then if normal_kill then -- i.e. no TK or suicide sayClients(kspree_pos, string.format("%s^%s's killing spree ended (^7%d kills^%s), killed by ^7%s^%s!", m_name, kspree_color, killing_sprees[id], kspree_color, k_name, kspree_color)) if krecord then sayClients(kspree_pos, "^"..kspree_color.."This is a new map record!^7") end else if krecord and killer <= sv_maxclients then sayClients(kspree_pos, string.format("%s^%s's killing spree ended (^7%d kills^%s).", m_name, kspree_color, killing_sprees[id], kspree_color)) sayClients(kspree_pos, "^"..kspree_color.."This is a new map record !^7") end end end end end function checkKSprees(id) if killing_sprees[id] ~= 0 then if math.mod(killing_sprees[id], 5) == 0 then local spree_id = killing_sprees[id] local spree = K_Sprees[killing_sprees[id]] if killing_sprees[id] > 35 then spree = K_Sprees[35] end if spree == nil then spree = "is on a Killing spree" et.G_Printf("kspree: Killing spree = nil\n") end if spree_id == 5 then if killingspree_private then local craap = string.format("%s ^%s: You are on a killing spree! (^75 kills in a row^%s)", playerName(id), kspree_color, kspree_color) et.trap_SendServerCommand( id, "b 8 \" "..craap.." \"\n") --et.G_Sound( id , et.G_SoundIndex("sound/misc/killingspree.wav")) et.G_ClientSound(id, killingspreesound) else sayClients(kspree_pos, string.format("%s^%s %s (^7%d kills in a row^%s)", playerName(id), kspree_color, spree, killing_sprees[id], kspree_color)) if kspree_sound then et.G_globalSound(killingspreesound) end end else sayClients(kspree_pos, string.format("%s^%s %s (^7%d kills in a row^%s)", playerName(id), kspree_color, spree, killing_sprees[id], kspree_color)) if spree_id == 10 and kspree_sound then et.G_globalSound(rampagesound) elseif spree_id == 15 and kspree_sound then et.G_globalSound(dominatingsound) elseif spree_id == 20 and kspree_sound then et.G_globalSound(godlikesound) elseif spree_id == 25 and kspree_sound then et.G_globalSound(unstoppablesound) elseif spree_id == 30 and kspree_sound then et.G_globalSound(wickedsicksound) elseif spree_id == 35 and kspree_sound then et.G_globalSound(pottersound) end end --spree_id == 5 end end end function et_RunFrame(levelTime) if math.mod(levelTime, 500) ~= 0 then return end local ltm = et.trap_Milliseconds() gamestate = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("gamestate")) if gamestate == 0 then -- wait before display multi/mega/monster/ludicrous-kill AND display highest -- wait_table[id] = {lvltime, 2} table.foreach(wait_table, function(id, arr) local guid = getGuid(id) local m_name = playerName(id) local startpause = tonumber(arr[1]) local whichkill = arr[2] if whichkill == 1 and (startpause + 3100) < ltm then sayClients(kmulti_pos, string.format(kmulti_msg, m_name)) if kmulti_sound then et.G_globalSound(multisound) end if srv_record and guid ~= "" then srv_records[guid][1] = srv_records[guid][1] + 1 end wait_table[id] = nil end if whichkill == 2 and (startpause + 3100) < ltm then sayClients(kmulti_pos, string.format(kmega_msg, m_name)) if kmulti_sound then et.G_globalSound(megasound) end if srv_record and guid ~= "" then srv_records[guid][2] = srv_records[guid][2] + 1 end wait_table[id] = nil end if whichkill == 3 and (startpause + 3100) < ltm then sayClients(kmonster_pos, string.format(kultra_msg, m_name)) if kmulti_sound then et.G_globalSound(ultrasound) end if srv_record and guid ~= "" then srv_records[guid][3] = srv_records[guid][3] + 1 end wait_table[id] = nil end if whichkill == 4 and (startpause + 3100) < ltm then sayClients(kmonster_pos, string.format(kmonster_msg, m_name)) if kmulti_sound then et.G_globalSound(monstersound) end if srv_record and guid ~= "" then srv_records[guid][4] = srv_records[guid][4] + 1 end wait_table[id] = nil end if whichkill == 5 and (startpause + 3100) < ltm then sayClients(kmonster_pos, string.format(kludicrous_msg, m_name)) if kmulti_sound then et.G_globalSound(ludicroussound) end if srv_record and guid ~= "" then srv_records[guid][5] = srv_records[guid][5] + 1 end wait_table[id] = nil end if whichkill == 6 and (startpause + 900) < ltm then sayClients(kmonster_pos, string.format(kholyshit_msg, m_name)) if kmulti_sound then et.G_globalSound(holyshitsound) end wait_table[id] = nil end end) --end table.foreach end -- gamestate end function et_ClientDisconnect(id) killing_sprees[id] = 0 if great_shot and last_killer[id] ~= nil then last_killer[id] = nil end if sorry and last_tk[id] ~= nil then last_tk[id] = nil end if kmulti_announce and wait_table[id] ~= nil then wait_table[id] = nil end end function et_ClientCommand(id, command) if et.trap_Argv(0) == "say" then if kspree_cmd_enabled and et.trap_Argv(1) == kspree_cmd then local map_msg = "" local map_max = findMaxKSpree() if table.getn(map_max) ~= 3 then map_max = { 0, 0, nil } end if map_max[3] ~= nil then map_msg = string.format("^1map: ^7%s^1: ^7%s^1 (^7%d^1) @ %s", mapName(), map_max[3], map_max[1],, map_max[2])) else map_msg = string.format("^1map: ^7%s^1: ^7no record", mapName()) end local all_msg = "" local all_max = { 0, 0, nil } table.foreach(alltime_stats, function (map, arr) if arr[1] > all_max[1] then all_max = arr end end) if all_max[3] ~= nil then all_msg = string.format(" ^1[^7overall: %s^1 (^7%d^1) @ %s^1]", all_max[3], all_max[1],, all_max[2])) end et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^1kspree_record: "..map_msg..all_msg.."^7\"\n") elseif et.trap_Argv(1) == record_cmd and srv_record then local rec_msg = recordMessage() et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^1kspree_record: "..rec_msg.."^7\"\n") elseif et.trap_Argv(1) == stats_cmd and srv_record then local stats_msg = statsMessage(id) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3stats: ^7"..stats_msg.."^7\"\n") elseif et.trap_Argv(1) == statsme_cmd and srv_record then local statsme_msg = statsMessage(id) et.trap_SendServerCommand( id, "b 8 \"^3statsme: ^7"..statsme_msg.." ^7\"\n") return(1) end -- end elseif... end -- et.trap_Argv(0) == "say" if et.trap_Argv(0) == "vsay" then if not great_shot then return end local vsaystring = ParseString(et.trap_Argv(1)) if string.lower(vsaystring[1]) == "greatshot" and last_killer[id] ~= nil and table.getn(vsaystring) < 2 then if (et.trap_Milliseconds() - tonumber(last_killer[id][2])) < great_shot_time then local vsaymessage = "Great shot, ^7"..last_killer[id][1].."^r!" et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "vchat 0 "" 50 GreatShot "..math.random(1, 2).." \""..vsaymessage.."\"") if not great_shot_repeat then last_killer[id] = nil end return(1) else return(0) end end -- end lower end -- vsay if et.trap_Argv(0) == "vsay_team" then if not sorry then return end local vsaystring = ParseString(et.trap_Argv(1)) if string.lower(vsaystring[1]) == "sorry" and last_tk[id] ~= nil and table.getn(vsaystring) < 2 then if (et.trap_Milliseconds() - tonumber(last_tk[id][2])) < sorry_time then local vsaymessage = "^5Sorry, ^7"..last_tk[id][1].."^5!" local ppos = et.gentity_get(id,"r.currentOrigin") local TKer_team = et.gentity_get(id, "sess.sessionTeam") local cmd = string.format("vtchat 0 %d 50 Sorry %d %d %d %d \"%s\"", id, ppos[1], ppos[2], ppos[3], math.random(1,3), vsaymessage) for t=0, sv_maxclients-1, 1 do if et.gentity_get(t, "sess.sessionTeam") == TKer_team then et.trap_SendServerCommand(t, cmd) end end if not sorry_repeat then last_tk[id] = nil end return(1) else return(0) end end -- end lower end -- vsay_team return(0) end function ParseString(inputString) local i = 1 local t = {} for w in string.gfind(inputString, "([^%s]+)%s*") do t[i]=w i=i+1 end return t end function statsMessage(id) local guid = getGuid(id) local stats_arr = {} local name = playerName(id) if type(srv_records[guid]) ~= "table" then return("no killing stats for ""^7") else local i = 1 for i=1, 5 do if srv_records[guid][i] > 0 then local whatkill = "" if i == 1 then whatkill = "Multikills," elseif i == 2 then whatkill = "Megakills," elseif i == 3 then whatkill = "Ultrakills," elseif i == 4 then whatkill = "Monsterkills," elseif i == 5 then whatkill = "Ludicrouskills" end table.insert(stats_arr, string.format("^8%d ^7%s", srv_records[guid][i], whatkill)) end end local whathedid = "" if table.getn(stats_arr) ~= 0 then table.insert(stats_arr, 1, string.format("^7 has made:")) table.insert(stats_arr, string.format("^7and")) whathedid = table.concat(stats_arr, " ") end return(string.format("%s^7%s killed a total of ^8%d ^7players since %s", name, whathedid ,srv_records[guid][6],, srv_records[guid][8]))) end end function recordMessage () local rec_arr = {} local multi_rec = { 0, nil } local mega_rec = { 0, nil } local ultra_rec = { 0, nil } local monster_rec = { 0, nil } local ludicrous_rec = { 0, nil } local kill_rec = { 0, nil } --multikill table.foreach(srv_records, function (guid, arr) if arr[1] > multi_rec[1] then multi_rec = { arr[1], arr[7] } end if arr[2] > mega_rec[1] then mega_rec = { arr[2], arr[7] } end if arr[3] > ultra_rec[1] then ultra_rec = { arr[3], arr[7] } end if arr[4] > monster_rec[1] then monster_rec = { arr[4], arr[7] } end if arr[5] > ludicrous_rec[1] then ludicrous_rec = { arr[5], arr[7] } end if arr[6] > kill_rec[1] then kill_rec = { arr[6], arr[7] } end end) if multi_rec[2] ~= nil then table.insert(rec_arr, string.format("^7%s ^8(^7%d Multikills^8)^7", multi_rec[2], multi_rec[1])) end if mega_rec[2] ~= nil then table.insert(rec_arr, string.format("^7%s ^8(^7%d Megakills^8)^7", mega_rec[2], mega_rec[1])) end if ultra_rec[2] ~= nil then table.insert(rec_arr, string.format("^7%s ^8(^7%d Ultrakills^8)^7", ultra_rec[2], ultra_rec[1])) end if monster_rec[2] ~= nil then table.insert(rec_arr, string.format("^7%s ^8(^7%d Monsterkills^8)^7", monster_rec[2], monster_rec[1])) end if ludicrous_rec[2] ~= nil then table.insert(rec_arr, string.format("^7%s ^8(^7%d Ludicrouskills^8)^7", ludicrous_rec[2], ludicrous_rec[1])) end if kill_rec[2] ~= nil then table.insert(rec_arr, string.format("^7%s ^7with a total of ^8%d ^7kills^7", kill_rec[2], kill_rec[1])) end if table.getn(rec_arr) ~= 0 then local oldest = 2147483647 -- 2^31 - 1 table.foreach(srv_records, function(guid, arr) if arr[8] < oldest then oldest = arr[8] end end) return("^7Top killers since ", oldest).. " are: "..table.concat(rec_arr, ", ")) else return("^7no records found :(") end end function add_qwnage(id, woot) local fdqwnage,len = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile( "awards.txt", et.FS_APPEND ) if len == -1 then et.G_Printf("kspree.lua: failed to save awards for %s\n", playerName(id)) else if woot == 1 then qwnage = playerName(id).. " - Ludicrous Kill - ""\n" elseif woot == 2 then qwnage = playerName(id).. " - Holy Shit - ""\n" elseif woot == 3 then qwnage = playerName(id).. " - Multi TK - ""\n" end et.trap_FS_Write( qwnage, string.len(qwnage) ,fdqwnage ) et.trap_FS_FCloseFile( fdqwnage ) end return(1) end function et_ConsoleCommand() local cmd = et.trap_Argv(0) local i = 0 if cmd == "ksprees" then et.G_Printf("ksprees: --------------------\n") for i=0, sv_maxclients-1 do if killing_sprees[i] ~= nil and killing_sprees[i] ~= 0 then et.G_Printf("^7ksprees: %d %s^7 (%s)^7\n", killing_sprees[i], playerName(i), teamName(tonumber(et.gentity_get(i, "sess.sessionTeam")))) end end et.G_Printf("^7ksprees: --------------------\n") if kmax_id ~= nil then et.G_Printf("^7Max: %s^7 with %d\n", playerName(kmax_id), kmax_spree) end return(1) elseif cmd == "kspreesall" then et.G_Printf("^7Alltime killing sprees:\n") table.foreach(alltime_stats, function (map, arr) et.G_Printf("kspreesall: %s: %s^7 with %d kills @%s\n", map, arr[3], arr[1],, arr[2])) end ) et.G_Printf("^7Alltime killing sprees END\n") return(1) elseif cmd == "kspreerecords" then et.G_Printf("^1kspree_records: %s\n", recordMessage()) return(1) end return(0) end
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