Your Filebase for Games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein , Enemy Territory and more ...
--------------------- -- gw_ref lua script --------------------- -- This lua script adds in additional commands available to refs, and some other useful functions to combat cheaters and troublemakers. -- Thanks to Fusion and Ghostworks members for their patience during the debugging. -- Credit to im2good4u for his noweapons script, and to [FuN]Connor for introducing me to lua with rconx. -- INSTALLATION: -- 1. Save the gw_refvXXX.lua script in the server's etpro folder. -- 2. Add the line: set lua_modules "gw_refvXXX.lua" to your server.cfg (where XXX is the version number, check the filename) -- 3. Restart your server. -- COMMANDS: -- !gwown- If client kills someone, they die by the same weapon (victim gets the kill). -- !gwdisarm - Disarms the client of all ammo. Gets refreshed every milliseconds, to empty ammo picked up. -- !gwall - Performs both !gwown and !gwdisarm. -- !gwtele - Randomly (almost) teleports the client around the map every milliseconds. -- !gwrewind - Every 2 x milliseconds, client's position is rewound to milliseconds ago. -- !gwwait 1/0 - Turns on/off a wait time. Clients must wait minutes after joining the server before they can join a team. Off by default, gets switched off on map change. -- !gwresetown - Resets any !gwowns to 0. -- !gwresetdisarm - Resets any !gwdisarms to 0. -- !gwresetall - Resets everything (except !gwwait). -- OTHER FEATURES: -- Refs are notified of the etpro guids of joining players, and points out any that fail a length and hex test. -- ETPro guids can be logged to file. -- Muted players can not send private messages or call votes. Clients calling the unmute vote will be instantly gibbed. -- IMPORTANT NOTES: -- ET admin_mod is not required to run this script. A "!gw" prefix has been used to identify all gw_ref commands. -- Commands must be entered in console, not in global chat. -- Slot-specific commands are emptied on client-disconnect and on et_Initgame (map and config loads). -- !gwtele and !gwrewind can only be called on 1 client at a time in this version. -- GhosT:McSteve -- -- #ghostworks, #pbbans @quakenet -- Version 3, 21/1/07 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ADMIN - SET OPTIONS HERE wait_time_mins = 2 -- define the wait time for !gwwait in minutes here etproguid_logging = 1 -- 1/0 = on/off guidfilename = "etproguids" -- set the name of the file to capture etproguids (will be created in etpro folder) -- modify below this line only if you know how ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- global vars et.MAX_WEAPONS = 50 samplerate = 3000 -- check player state every x milliseconds -- ok, its not random, but its random enough :) random_seed = {4; 4; 5; 4; 1; 4; 2; 3; 4; 3; 1; 4; 3; 5; 5; 4; 2; 1; 5; 2; 2; 4; 4; 3; 2; 4; 1; 1; 3; 2; 5; 2; 3; 5; 5; 6; 4; 4; 6; 6; 5; 4; 2; 1; 3; 5; 4; 5; 2; 3; 3; 3; 5; 6; 3; 2; 3; 3; 5; 5} --convert the wait time to milliseconds wait_time_ms = wait_time_mins * 60 * 1000 -- im2good4u's no weapon script weapons = { nil, --// 1 false, --WP_LUGER, // 2 false, --WP_MP40, // 3 false, --WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER, // 4 false, --WP_PANZERFAUST, // 5 false, --WP_FLAMETHROWER, // 6 false, --WP_COLT, // 7 // equivalent american weapon to german luger false, --WP_THOMPSON, // 8 // equivalent american weapon to german mp40 false, --WP_GRENADE_PINEAPPLE, // 9 false, --WP_STEN, // 10 // silenced sten sub-machinegun true, --WP_MEDIC_SYRINGE, // 11 // JPW NERVE -- broken out from CLASS_SPECIAL per Id request false, --WP_AMMO, // 12 // JPW NERVE likewise false, --WP_ARTY, // 13 false, --WP_SILENCER, // 14 // used to be sp5 false, --WP_DYNAMITE, // 15 nil, --// 16 nil, --// 17 nil, --// 18 false, --WP_MEDKIT, // 19 false, --WP_BINOCULARS, // 20 nil, --// 21 nil, --// 22 false, --WP_KAR98, // 23 // WolfXP weapons false, --WP_CARBINE, // 24 false, --WP_GARAND, // 25 false, --WP_LANDMINE, // 26 false, --WP_SATCHEL, // 27 false, --WP_SATCHEL_DET, // 28 nil, --// 29 false, --WP_SMOKE_BOMB, // 30 false, --WP_MOBILE_MG42, // 31 false, --WP_K43, // 32 false, --WP_FG42, // 33 nil, --// 34 false, --WP_MORTAR, // 35 nil, --// 36 false, --WP_AKIMBO_COLT, // 37 false, --WP_AKIMBO_LUGER, // 38 nil, --// 39 nil, --// 40 false, --WP_SILENCED_COLT, // 41 false, --WP_GARAND_SCOPE, // 42 false, --WP_K43_SCOPE, // 43 false, --WP_FG42SCOPE, // 44 false, --WP_MORTAR_SET, // 45 true, --WP_MEDIC_ADRENALINE, // 46 false, --WP_AKIMBO_SILENCEDCOLT,// 47 false --WP_AKIMBO_SILENCEDLUGER,// 48 } -- on game initialise, get the maxclients and initialise the arrays (holds 1 or 0 for each client) function et_InitGame( levelTime, randomSeed, restart ) --called on game initialise maxclients = tonumber( et.trap_Cvar_Get( "sv_maxClients" ) ) --gets the maxclients own_client = {} disarm_client = {} teleport_client = {} rewind_client = {} ppos = {} isref = {} enter_time = {} connect_time = {} wait = 0 next_tele = 1 z = 1 rewind_switch = 0 for i = 0, (maxclients - 1) do own_client[i] = 0 disarm_client[i] = 0 isref[i] = 0 teleport_client[i] = 0 rewind_client[i] = 0 end end -- called every server frame function et_RunFrame( levelTime ) if math.mod(levelTime, samplerate) ~= 0 then return end -- for all clients for j = 0, (maxclients - 1) do -- scans every for refs present if et.gentity_get(j, "sess.referee") == 1 then isref[j] = 1 else isref[j] = 0 end -- check to see if client is marked for disarm if disarm_client[j] == 1 then for k=1, (et.MAX_WEAPONS - 1), 1 do if not weapons[k] then et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammoclip", k, 0) et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo", k, 0) --et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3runtime\"\n") end end end -- check to see if client is marked for teleport if teleport_client[j] == 1 then next_tele = random_seed[z] if z == 60 then z = 1 else z = (z+1) end --et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3runtime " .. next_tele .. "\"\n") -- check value of next_tele and impose teleport if next_tele == 1 then ppos = et.gentity_get(j, "r.currentOrigin") --creates ppos[1], ppos[2] and ppos[3] x, y, z ppos[3] = (ppos[3] + 250) et.gentity_set(j, "origin", ppos) elseif next_tele == 2 then ppos = et.gentity_get(j, "r.currentOrigin") ppos[1] = (ppos[1] - 500) et.gentity_set(j, "origin", ppos) elseif next_tele == 3 then ppos = et.gentity_get(j, "r.currentOrigin") ppos[2] = (ppos[2] + 500) et.gentity_set(j, "origin", ppos) elseif next_tele == 4 then ppos = et.gentity_get(j, "r.currentOrigin") ppos[1] = (ppos[1] + 500) et.gentity_set(j, "origin", ppos) elseif next_tele == 5 then ppos = et.gentity_get(j, "r.currentOrigin") ppos[2] = (ppos[2] - 500) et.gentity_set(j, "origin", ppos) elseif next_tele == 6 then ppos = et.gentity_get(j, "r.currentOrigin") --creates ppos[1], ppos[2] and ppos[3] x, y, z ppos[3] = (ppos[3] + 500) et.gentity_set(j, "origin", ppos) end end if rewind_client[j] == 1 then --et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3runtime " .. next_tele .. "\"\n") -- check value of rewind_switch, if rewind_switch == 0 then ppos = et.gentity_get(j, "r.currentOrigin") --creates ppos[1], ppos[2] and ppos[3] x, y, z rewind_switch = 1 elseif rewind_switch == 1 then et.gentity_set(j, "origin", ppos) rewind_switch = 0 end end end end -- called when a client enters the game world function et_ClientBegin( cno ) tempname = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( cno ), "name" ) cnoname = et.Q_CleanStr( tempname ) -- capture the clients enter_time enter_time[cno] = et.trap_Milliseconds() end -- called on client command function et_ClientCommand(cno, cmd) -- check to see if wait is active, if so then check for team joins if wait == 1 then if et.gentity_get(cno, "sess.sessionTeam") == 3 then -- check for a team join if string.lower(cmd) == "team" then --if connect_time < wait_time then deny team join time_connected = (et.trap_Milliseconds() - enter_time[cno]) if time_connected < wait_time_ms then et.trap_SendServerCommand(cno, "cp \"^3Sorry, you must wait^5 " .. wait_time_mins .. " ^3minutes before joining a team. This is an anti-cheat measure. Thanks for your patience.\n\" " ) return 1 end end end end --et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3runtime\"\n") -- check for muted players, and deny them the use of /m and /callvote if tonumber(et.gentity_get(cno, "sess.muted")) == 1 then if (string.lower(cmd) == "m") then et.trap_SendServerCommand(cno, "cpm \"^1You are muted. This command is not available to you.\n\" " ) return 1 elseif (string.lower(cmd) == "callvote") then et.trap_SendServerCommand(cno, "cpm \"^1You are muted. This command is not available to you.\n\" " ) -- if the callvote is unmute, assume they are unmuting themselves and gib them (lazy I know) -- if string.lower(et.trap_Argv(1)) == "unmute" then -- string.format(et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(cno), "name")) -- msg = string.format("cpm \"" .. string.format(et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(cno), "name")) .. "^7 got bummed for trying to unmute himself. What a peon.\n") -- et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, msg) -- -- --et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3unmute\"\n") -- et.G_Damage( cno, 80, 1022, 1000, 8, 34 ) -- --soundindex = et.G_SoundIndex( "/sound/etpro/osp_goat.wav" ) -- --et.G_Sound( cno , soundindex ) -- end return 1 end end --et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3runtime " .. next_tele .. "\"\n") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------REF COMMANDS BELOW HERE-------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For ref-only commands, want to ignore anything not coming from a ref if et.gentity_get(cno, "sess.referee") == 0 then return 0 end -- if command is not say, then 0 end if cmd ~= "say" then return 0 end gwcmd = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(1)) -- !gwwait command here if gwcmd == "!gwwait" then --announce !gwwait issued et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3!gwwait command received\"\n") if et.trap_Argv(2) == "1" then wait = 1 elseif et.trap_Argv(2) == "0" then wait = 0 end --et.trap_SendServerCommand(cno, "cpm \"^3!gwwait = ^5 " .. wait .. "\" " ) end -- !gwall command here if gwcmd == "!gwall" then --announce !gwall issued et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3!gwall command received\"\n") x = tonumber(et.trap_Argv(2)) own_client[x] = 1 disarm_client[x] = 1 end -- !gwtele command here if gwcmd == "!gwtele" then --announce !gwtele issued et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3!gwtele command received\"\n") --if command is "say !gwtele x", where x is the client number, then set teleport_client[x] x = tonumber(et.trap_Argv(2)) teleport_client[x] = 1 end -- !gwrewind command here if gwcmd == "!gwrewind" then --announce !gwrewind issued et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3!gwrewind command received\"\n") --if command is "say !gwrewind "x", where x is the client number, then set rewind_client[x] x = tonumber(et.trap_Argv(2)) rewind_client[x] = 1 end -- !gwown command here if gwcmd == "!gwown" then --announce !gwown issued et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3!gwown command received\"\n") --if command is "say !own x", where x is the client number, then set own_client[x] x = tonumber(et.trap_Argv(2)) own_client[x] = 1 end -- !gwdisarm command here if gwcmd == "!gwdisarm" then --announce !own issued et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3!gwdisarm command received\"\n") --if command is "say !own x", where x is the client number, then set own_client[x] x = tonumber(et.trap_Argv(2)) disarm_client[x] = 1 end -- !gwresetown command to remove any own_client values if gwcmd == "!gwresetown" then --announce !gwresetown issued et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3!gwresetown command received\"\n") --reset all own_client values to 0 for i = 0, maxclients - 1 do own_client[i] = 0 end end -- !gwresetdisarm command to remove any disarm_client values if gwcmd == "!gwresetdisarm" then --announce !gwresetdisarm issued et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3!gwresetdisarm command received\"\n") --reset all disarm_client values to 0 for i = 0, maxclients - 1 do disarm_client[i] = 0 end end -- !gwresetall command to remove any own_ and disarm_client values if gwcmd == "!gwresetall" then --announce !gwresetall issued et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^3!gwresetall command received\"\n") --reset all own_client values to 0 for i = 0, maxclients - 1 do own_client[i] = 0 disarm_client[i] = 0 teleport_client[i] = 0 rewind_client[i] = 0 end end return 0 end --on a player death, check to see if the killer is flagged up for ownage function et_Obituary( victim, killer, meansOfDeath ) -- if the killer is flagged for ownage, then own the bastard if own_client[killer] == 1 then -- explanation - et.G_Damage( target, inflictor, attacker, damage, dflags, mod ), mod 0 = unknown et.G_Damage( killer, 80, victim, 1000, 8, meansOfDeath ) -- bring the victim back to life here -- note: this doesn't work very well; victim seems to be "dead" hence another kill doesnt register -- et.gentity_set(victim, "health", 100) -- sends message via qsay, method taken from hadro's anti-sk bot msg = "%s ^7just got owned!" msg = string.format(msg, et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(killer), "name")) msg = string.format("qsay %s\n", msg) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, msg) end end -- on client disconnect, empty the values for that slot function et_ClientDisconnect( cno ) own_client[cno] = 0 disarm_client[cno] = 0 teleport_client[cno] = 0 rewind_client[cno] = 0 isref[cno] = 0 end function et_Print(text) if cnoname == nil then return end cleantext = et.Q_CleanStr( text ) tempvar1 = string.find(cleantext,"etpro IAC:") if tempvar1 then tempvar2 = string.find(cleantext, cnoname) if tempvar2 then --et.G_Print( ) -- write the string (cleantext) to a file if etproguid_logging == 1 then info ="%x %I:%M:%S%p") .. " " .. cleantext .. "\n" fd,len = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile(guidfilename, et.FS_APPEND) count = et.trap_FS_Write(info, string.len(info), fd) et.trap_FS_FCloseFile(fd) fd = nil end --here we want to send the info to all the refs for j = 0, (maxclients - 1) do if isref[j] == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( j, "cpm \"^3ETPRO GUID = " .. cleantext .. "\n\" " ) -- do the guid tests start_index = string.find(cleantext, "GUID [", 1, true) end_index = string.find(cleantext, "]", 1, true) etproguid_start = start_index + 6 etproguid = string.sub (cleantext, etproguid_start, end_index-1) etproguid_length = string.len(etproguid) -- length test if etproguid_length == 40 then for i = 1, 40 do hex_test = string.find(etproguid, "%x", i) -- hex testing if hex_test == nil then --flag up the error --et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "qsay \"^1WARNING: ETPROGUID IS INVALID (HEX ERROR)\"\n") et.trap_SendServerCommand( j, "cpm \"^1WARNING: ETPROGUID IS INVALID (HEX ERROR)\n\" " ) break end end --et.trap_SendServerCommand( j, "cpm \"^7ETPROGUID OK!\n\" " ) else et.trap_SendServerCommand( j, "cpm \"^1WARNING: ETPROGUID IS INCORRECT LENGTH\n\" " ) end end end cnoname = nil end end end
File size: 0.01 MB