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--[[ extraStats.lua =================== by Micha! Contact: -------------------- Info: -------------------- This lua grants extra ammo and extra health based on admin level. Further information: -------------------- --]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------CONFIG START---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[-----//---------------------stats table---------------------------- Set extra_health = 0 and/or extra_ammo = 0 if you do not want to grant additional benefits. The following is just an example of benefits. --]] stats_table = { { admin_lvl = 0, extra_health = 0, extra_ammo = 0, }, { admin_lvl = 1, extra_health = 10, extra_ammo = 10, }, { admin_lvl = 2, extra_health = 20, extra_ammo = 20, }, { admin_lvl = 3, extra_health = 30, extra_ammo = 30, }, { admin_lvl = 13, extra_health = 40, extra_ammo = 40, }, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------CONFIG END-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------DO NOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modname = "extraStats" Version = "1.0" Author = "Micha!" local amount_weapons = 49 function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) maxclients = tonumber( et.trap_Cvar_Get( "sv_maxClients" ) ) - 1 et.G_Print("^z["..Modname.."^z] Version: "..Version.." Loaded\n") et.RegisterModname(et.Q_CleanStr(Modname).." "..Version.." " et.G_LogPrint("["..Modname.."] created by "..Author.."\n" ) end function et_ClientSpawn(cno,revived) for _, line in ipairs(stats_table) do if et.G_shrubbot_level(cno) == line.admin_lvl then -------//--------------------Extra ammo------------------------------ for k = 1, amount_weapons do et.gentity_set(cno, "ps.ammo", k, (et.gentity_get(cno, "ps.ammo", k) + line.extra_ammo)) end -------//--------------------Extra health---------------------------- local current_health = et.gentity_get(cno, "health") if checkclass(cno) == 1 then et.gentity_set(cno, "ps.stats", 4, current_health + line.extra_health - (line.extra_health/10)) else et.gentity_set(cno, "ps.stats", 4, current_health + line.extra_health) end et.gentity_set(cno, "health", current_health + line.extra_health) end end end --0=Soldier, 1=Medic, 2=Engineer, 3=FieldOps, 4=CovertOps function checkclass(client) local cs = et.trap_GetConfigstring(et.CS_PLAYERS + client) return tonumber(et.Info_ValueForKey(cs, "c")) end
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