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--------------------------------------------- -- Edytowany przez mAzak -- -- osttnia edycja 04.07.2017 -- -- Na potrzeby serwera Polska Vodka Silent -- --------------------------------------------- --[[ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom vote script for silEnT Mod (addition to existing voting system) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Script by .WAR|Geo. Customisation of the votes can be done in the config section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT CVARS: "vote_allow_poll" This MUST be set to "1" in server.cfg, it is essential for this script to function "omnibot_enable" This will be set to "1" in server.cfg if you are using Omni-bot on your server "vote_limit" I recommend you use a value of between 3 or less to avoid multiple votes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CONFIG: -- Change the values below to allow or disallow votes (1 = true, 0 = false) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vote_allow_kickbots = 1 vote_allow_fivemins = 1 vote_allow_tenmins = 1 vote_allow_quarterbots = 1 vote_allow_halfbots = 1 vote_allow_crazygravityon = 1 vote_allow_crazygravityoff = 1 vote_allow_crazyspeed = 1 vote_allow_putbotsspec = 1 vote_allow_panzerwaron = 1 vote_allow_panzerwaroff = 1 vote_allow_sniperwaron = 1 vote_allow_sniperwaroff = 1 vote_allow_riflewaron = 1 vote_allow_riflewaroff = 1 vote_allow_pistolwaron = 1 vote_allow_pistolwaroff = 1 vote_allow_heavyon = 1 vote_allow_heavyoff = 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do not edit below this line -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- description = "Custom votes" function et_InitGame( levelTime, randomSeed, restart) local modname = string.format("%s", description) et.G_Print(string.format("%s loaded\n", modname)) et.RegisterModname( modname) sv_maxclients = et.trap_Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients") num0 = math.floor(sv_maxclients * 0.25) num1 = math.floor(sv_maxclients * 0.5) if vote_allow_kickbots == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_kickbots EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_kickbots EQ 0;") end if vote_allow_fivemins == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_fivemins EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_fivemins EQ 0;") end if vote_allow_tenmins == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_tenmins EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_tenmins EQ 0;") end if vote_allow_quarterbots == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_quarterbots EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_quarterbots EQ 0;") end if vote_allow_halfbots == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_halfbots EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_halfbots EQ 0;") end if vote_allow_crazygravityon == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_crazygravityon EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_crazygravityon EQ 0;") end if vote_allow_crazygravityoff == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_crazygravityoff EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_crazygravityoff EQ 0;") end if vote_allow_crazyspeed == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_crazyspeed EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_crazyspeed EQ 0;") end if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_putbotsspec EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_putbotsspec EQ 0; ") end if vote_allow_panzerwaron == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_panzerwaron EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_panzerwaron EQ 0; ") end if vote_allow_panzerwaroff == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_panzerwaroff EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_panzerwaroff EQ 0; ") end if vote_allow_sniperwaron == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_sniperwaron EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_sniperwaron EQ 0; ") end if vote_allow_sniperwaroff == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_sniperwaroff EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_sniperwaroff EQ 0; ") end if vote_allow_riflerwaron == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_riflewaron EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_riflewaron EQ 0; ") end if vote_allow_riflerwaroff == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_riflewaroff EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_riflewaroff EQ 0; ") end if vote_allow_pirstolwaron == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_pistolwaron EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_pistolwaron EQ 0; ") end if vote_allow_pirstolwaroff == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_pistolwaroff EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_pistolwaroff EQ 0; ") end if vote_allow_heavyon == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_heavyon EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_heavyon EQ 0; ") end if vote_allow_heavyoff == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_heavyoff EQ 1;") else et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "sv_cvar vote_allow_heavyoff EQ 0; ") end end function et_ClientCommand( clientNum, command) command = command:lower() if et.trap_Argv(0) == "votes" then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"\n") et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^7Custom ^3callvote ^7commands are:\n") et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^3-----------------------------\n") if vote_allow_kickbots == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5kickbots\n") end if vote_allow_fivemins == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5+5 mins\n") end if vote_allow_tenmins == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5+10 mins\n") end if vote_allow_quarterbots == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^525 percent bots\n") end if vote_allow_halfbots == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^550 percent bots\n") end if vote_allow_crazygravityon == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5crazygravity ^rON^s\n") end if vote_allow_crazygravityoff == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5crazygravity ^qOFF^s\n") end if vote_allow_crazyspeed == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5crazyspeed\n") end if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5putbotsspec\n") end if vote_allow_panzerwaron == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5panzerwar ^rON^s\n") end if vote_allow_panzerwaroff == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5panzerwar ^qOFF^s\n") end if vote_allow_sniperwaron == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5sniperwar ^rON^s\n") end if vote_allow_sniperwaroff == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5sniperwar ^qOFF^s\n") end if vote_allow_riflewaron == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5riflewar ^rON^s\n") end if vote_allow_riflewaroff == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5riflewar ^qOFF^s\n") end if vote_allow_pistolwaron == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5pistolwar ^rON^s\n") end if vote_allow_pistolwaroff == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5pistolwar ^qOFF^s\n") end if vote_allow_heavyon == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5heavyweapons ^rON^s\n") end if vote_allow_heavyoff == 1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^5heavyweapons ^qOFF^s\n") end et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"\n") et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"^7Usage: ^3\\callvote poll\n") et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "print \"\n") return 1 end end function et_Print( text) if string.sub(text,1,19) == "Vote Passed: [poll]" then if string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] kickbots\n" then if vote_allow_kickbots == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "bot maxbots -1; bot kickall;") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] +5 mins\n" then if vote_allow_fivemins == 1 then local time = et.trap_Cvar_Get( "timelimit") et.trap_Cvar_Set( "timelimit", time + 5) end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] +10 mins\n" then if vote_allow_tenmins == 1 then local time = et.trap_Cvar_Get( "timelimit") et.trap_Cvar_Set( "timelimit", time + 10) end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] 25 percent bots\n" then if vote_allow_quarterbots == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "bot maxbots " ..num0.. ";") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] 50 percent bots\n" then if vote_allow_halfbots == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "bot maxbots " ..num1.. ";") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] crazygravityon\n" then if vote_allow_crazygravity == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "!crazygravity on\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] crazygravityoff\n" then if vote_allow_crazygravity == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "!crazygravity off\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] crazyspeed\n" then if vote_allow_crazyspeed == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "!crazyspeed on\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] putbotsspec\n" then if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "exec omnispec.cfg;") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] panzerwaron\n" then if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "!panzerwar 1\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] panzerwaroff\n" then if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "!panzerwar 0\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] sniperwaron\n" then if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "!sniperwar 1\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] sniperwaroff\n" then if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "!sniperwar 0\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] riflewaron\n" then if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "!riflewar 1\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] riflewaroff\n" then if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "!riflewar 0\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] pistolwaron\n" then if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "!pistolwar 1\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] pistolwaroff\n" then if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "!pistolwar 0\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] heavyon\n" then if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "g_heavyWeaponRestriction 100\n") end return elseif string.format(text) == "Vote Passed: [poll] heavyoff\n" then if vote_allow_putbotsspec == 1 then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "g_heavyWeaponRestriction 0\n") end return end end end
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