
Your Filebase for Games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein , Enemy Territory and more ...

Flakstuff Beta 2 Botfiles

FoxBot 0.71

FritzBot (Final)

Generator (Beta 3) Botfiles

Glider 302 Botfiles

Goetterdaemmerung Beta 3 Botfiles

Gold Days V3 Botfiles

Hillytop Beta 4 Botfiles

Krakow Armada Beta 2 Botfiles

MLB Beach Botfiles

Monte Cassino Final Botfiles

New Erdenberg T1 Updated Bots

Night Fight Beta 2 Botfiles

Omni Bot 0.7

Omni Bot ET 0.71

Omni-bot 0.81 (Windows & Linux)

Omnibot 0.81 Waypoint Mod

Omnibot 0.82 Linux&Windows

Omnibot 0.83 ET Linux FIX

Omnibot 0.83 ET Waypointmod